Shrew Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack in IoT Applications: A Survey

作者: Singh H.;Baligodugula V.V.;Amsaad F.
通讯作者: Amsaad, F.
作者机构: Wright State University, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435, United States
通讯机构: Wright State University, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, United States
语种: 英文
关键词: Communication security,IOT,LDDoS Attack,Low-rate DDoS,Ns-2,Shrew DoS
期刊: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
ISSN: 1868-422X
年: 2024
卷: 683 AICT
页码: 97-103
会议名称: 6th IFIP International Conference on Internet of Things, IFIP IoT 2023
会议时间: 2 November 2023 through 3 November 2023
摘要: With the rise of IoT and cloud computing, DDoS attacks have become increasingly harmful. This paper presents a survey of techniques for detecting and preventing DDoS attacks, specifically focusing on Shrew DDoS or low-rate DDoS attacks. We explore the use of machine learning for DDoS detection and prevention and introduce a new potential technique that simplifies the process of detecting and preventing DDoS attacks originating from multiple infected machines, typically known as zombie machines. As a future direction, we discuss a new technique to simplify the detection and prevention of shrew DoS attacks originating from multiple infected machines, commonly known as botne...
